Personality Profiles

Personality Profiling


Understanding yourself and others brings peace and harmony into your life. Why not take an online personality profile that will enlighten you about why others might not see life the way you do? It’ll revolutionise your relationships at work, rest and play.

The Path Elements Profile uses the four elements of Earth, Fire, Wind and Water to describe the different personalities of people in our lives. The profile is simple to complete and we are certain that you’ll never forget what you learn.

Path Elements Profile - Personality Profile (single)

'Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given...each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life" Galations 6:4 (The Message)

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The Path Elements Profile uses the four elements of Earth, Fire, Wind and Water to describe the four basic personality types. The profile is simple to complete and, without exception, everybody we have profiled has felt affirmed by the result - there is no right or wrong profile. Understanding yourself is the key to success in every area of your life - whether it means choosing the right career path, retraining or looking for your ideal partners for business or romance.

You’ll get a comprehensive 13 page printout which stands alone – coaching is also available as a follow up to help you unpack the results, at £25 per hour. If you would like to book coaching as well, please contact us using thecontact us form.

Price: £30.00

Path Elements Profile - Personality Profile (couple/group)

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The Path Elements Profile uses the four elements of Earth, Fire, Wind and Water to describe the different personalities of people in our lives. The profile is simple to complete and we are certain that you’ll never forget what you learn.

The couple/group profile also produces a matrix of how you can interact and communicate with each other more effectively. Extremely enlightening for couples and incredibly useful for businesses, especially when building teams and for use in training programs and recruiting.

You’ll get a comprehensive 13 page printout which stands alone – coaching is also available as a follow up to help you unpack the results, at £25 per hour. If you would like to book coaching as well, please contact us using thecontact us form.

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